Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sunset Cliffs

Christmas 2013


Santa's Little Reindeer

Cousin Dylan

Daddy's Christmas Pancakes

Opening Gifts

Getting the Hang of it


More Gifts


Aunties are the Best!

Evan Photo Bombing Himself

Uncle Chris, Meme, and the Boys!

Waiting for Santa


Eliette's first Christmas was fantastic. She waited in line for over an hour to meet Santa, then promptly burst into tears :) We were able to spent the 24th with Grandma, Aunt Gail, Uncle Rami and the cousins. Christmas morning began with daddy's pancakes and Eliette's first taste. We then opened the gifts Santa brought to our house. Eliette enjoyed the boxes and paper best. After naptime we headed up to spend the rest of the day with Meme, Papa, Auntie Julie, Uncles Chris and Mike, Cousins Ethan and Evan and the Djemals and Grandma. So nice for us to have both sides of our families together in one place. Thanks to all for making Eliette's first Christmas filled with love and family.